9-28-21 God Told Me To

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  1. As a woman I find female politicians in leadership roles to be brittle, shrill, bullying and transparent (they are terrible liars). I reckon this type only appeals to weak women and man-haters not the general population.

    They did the National Guard thing here in Oregon about 6 weeks ago due to the “shortage” of health care workers and obviously it was supposed to pull heart strings. It didn’t really work. Local news stories about it dried up about weeks ago. According to someone I know who works at the University hospital (OHSU) its all for show. For example they had Guard doing intake (which wasn’t where the shortages were) so the public would see them. Many weren’t qualified to do much else and they really weren’t doing nursing.

    Also, she said those with the crud that are admitted to OHSU are overweight and are generally unhealthy which should be no surprise.

  2. Kathy Hochul is standing on a black 6 sided podium…reminds me of the six sided black cube. Again the the saturnalians are hiding behind christianity just like at the vatican.

  3. Unsurprisingly, Amnesty International is known to have been started by Quakers, the sancimonious wolves in sheeps clothing who have been instrumental in the world’s demise.

    “8. Amnesty International: Always working closely with the media and the WCC, Amnesty International selectively targets Third World nations on the British hit-list, such as Sudan. In January 1995, it published The Tears of Orphans: There Is No Future for Sudan without Human Rights, which claimed widespread human rights abuses. At a Nairobi press conference releasing the book, Amnesty International General Secretary Pierre Sanny endorsed earlier calls by Baroness Cox to establish a network of international human rights monitors throughout Sudan. Amnesty International explicitly claimed in that book that adhering to Shariah, Islamic law, is a violation of human rights per se. Amnesty International was formed in 1961 as a specialized British intelligence agency assigned to target former colonial sector leaders and governments. Its founders included David Astor, longtime editor ofthe London Observer; former British intelligence Thailand specialist Robert Swann; and Quaker activist Eric Baker. Its first major targets included President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Britain’s most feared African opponent; and Prime Minister Antonio de Oliveira Salazar of Portugal, whose African empire Britain was then targeting for reorganization. In 1966, the group was reorganized after its covert patronage by the British Foreign Office was exposed. It currently maintains 70 chapters throughout the world, with its headquarters in London.”


  4. That spot on your shirt would have distracted you through the whole show.
    Hilarious, Kathy Ho!
    Seriously though, I could feel the darkness roll off of her, like tendrils looking for the life force to keep it alive. Very scary indeed. Her husband, a total creepazoid. I have to wonder, is this the karma of Manhattan or of NY in general.

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